Opportunities for Growth & Fellowship
Senior Adult Choir: While choir may not be for everyone, our anyone is welcome to come be a part of our Senoir Choir if they wish! With practices held every Wednesday at 10:45(except during the summer), or Senior Adult Choir enjoys the fellowship, while getting the oportunity to minister to others through song. Our Choir travels to festivals, nursing homes, and performs once a month during our AM Worship Service at MBC.
K.I.T. Club: Monthly Fellowships are usually held on every third Thursday of each month. These meetings feature a variety of programs designed to inspire, inform, and entertain. They also provide Seniors with an opportunity to connect and fellowship with other Seniors. The meetings are held in the Fellowship Hall, unless we will be traveling somewhere.
Senior Adult Sunday School is the best way to get connected with others on Sundays. We invite you to join us in Sunday School at 9:45. We have a Bible Study class just for you. Please stop by our Welcome Center (held in Church Office during Sunday Mornings) and they will help find the best place for you.
Senior Adult Game Day: Wednesdays in the small dining room at FLC, Seniors meet for fun and fellowship.
Opportunities to Serve:
MBC Seniors are involved in regular ministry at the Lawrence County Civitan Center. Seniors are also involved in service projects throughout Monticello as a part of their Sunday School departments, WMU.
Additionally, MBC Seniors have opportunities to volunteer in a variety of ways within MBC's ministries - Sunday School leaders, ushers, greeters, Welcome Centers, Homebound ministry, Children's Ministry, and more.
Now also when I am old and gray headed, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come.” Psalm 71:18